Another wonderful Playing Day. I finally felt the taste of playing and listening to music in person after two long years of pandemics. Below is a little video of Sonata by Giovanni Paolo Cima. I played this piece with the wonderful Jessica Honigberg! Jessica is a pianist and harpsichordist, piano teacher, and founder and director […]
When waiting for Christmas, this piece of music is in my mind: Lyrics: Luke 1: 46-49 : And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; […]
As we have not completely returned to the in-person playing yet, another DC Playing Day happened today. Although the program was short and we were only four performers, each performance was unique and a joy to listen to. Here is a video of my contribution:
Sören Sieg published 12 Circle Songs in 2020! These beautiful songs, written for one recorder player and loop station, are inspired by Lao Tzu’s Taoeteking philosophy. It is very deep and meditative music. It is a pleasure to hear Circle Songs played by Jitka Konečná! Jitka is a recorder virtuoso and teacher and a founder-member […]
The Covid-19 pandemic placed us in front of the screen and changed the location of our musical performances: in our home living room. Although the life experience is limited, it is great to share musical performances with friends at least online. Here is one of my “in front of screen” videos, as a part […]
After a long time since my last post, I’m sharing a piece of happy news: Amelie Balima came to this world in October 2019! So I’ve taken a small maternity break…. Now fresh, with new musical goals, there is a piece of sad news: coronavirus. No group playing, no concerts, no Washington Recorder Society… […]
I have participated in the Amherst Early music festival for the second year in a row! The festival is held for two weeks and each of them is different. The first week is more focused on late baroque (there´s a big opera project happening every year), while the second week is more about renaissance. The theme […]
From Friday to Monday, Sitka Center hosted the regular annual recorder workshop Winds and Waves, taught by instructors Frances Blaker, Tish Berlin, Cléa Galhano, and me. The workshop started on Friday evening with the traditional Faculty concert at St Peter Lutheran Church in Lincoln City. Our program was composed of pieces by Senfl, Isaac, Bach, […]